Lesson 27
Panchmu Shraman Sootra

Namo chau-visaa-e ťith-thaya-raańam
My salutations be to 24 Tirthankars
Us-bhaai Mahaavir Pajja-vasaańaa-ńam
I worship all Tirthankars from Rushabdev to Mahavir Swami
Ińa-mev Ni-ggan-tham
such (Tirthankars) who are devoid of worldly possessions and attachment
(their) scriptures


are true

are highest
are professed by omniscient Lords
are perfect
are rational
are pure and flawless, in every respect
they uproot the three thorns
Siďdhi Maggam
is the path of highest accomplishment
Muťťi Maggam
is the path of liberation (from 8 karmas)
Nijjaań Maggam
is the way to end all the Karmas
Nivvaań Maggam
is the way to Nirvan
is the eternal truth, devoid of inconsistencies and doubts
Savva ďukkh pahiń-maggam
is the way to end all misery
Iťtham Kiyaa Jivaa
those treading this path
get highest accomplishment
become omniscient


get liberated from all karmas

attain salvation
end all miseries
ťam Dhammam
that religion
I trust
I believe
I take interest in
I accept
I practice
I practice all the more
ťam Dhammam
pertaining to that religion
thus having faith
thus believing
thus taking interest
thus accepting
thus practicing
thus profoundly practicing
ťassa Dham-massa
that religion
professed by omniscient Lords
Abbhu-tik-omi Aaraa-hańaa-e
I have become industrious to follow it
Vire-omi Viraa-hańaa-e
and I stop from violating it
Asanja-mam Pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon non-restraint
Sanja-mam uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace restraint
Abam-bham pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon unchastity
Bambham uva-sampa-jjami
I embrace celibacy
A-kappam pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon the unacceptable
Kappam uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace the acceptable
Annaa-ńam pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon ignorance
Naańam uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace knowledge
A-kiriyam Pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon non-practise of, religious activities
Kiriyam uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace the practice of religious activities
Michchha-ťam Pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon false faith
Samma-ťam Uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace true faith
Abohim pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon false belief
Bohin Uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace true belief
A-maggam pari-yaańaa-mi
I abandon the path which is contrary to Jainism
Maggam Uva-sampa-jjaami
I embrace the path of salvation
Jam Sambha-raami
those faults which I recollect
Jam Chan Sambha-raami
those faults which I do not recollect
Jam Padi-kkamaa-mi
those which I have atoned
Jam cha Na Padi-kkamaa-mi
those which I have not atoned
ťassa Savvassa
all those
pertain to day
for the blemishes
I beg pardon for
I am a saint
I am an asthetic
I am detached from the world
I have destroyed
by taking vow
Sins and Karmas
I have abandoned desire for rewards
ďiththi Sam-panno
I possess right faith
Maayaa-moso Viva-jjijo
I have abandoned malicious falsehood
Addaai je suďiv samu-ďesu
in adhi dweep (two and a half islands) and oceans
Panna-ras Kamma-bhoomi-su
ion fifteen karmabhoomi
Jaavanťi Kei-saahu
whoever saints dwell (they are such)
Ray-harań Guch-chhag Padiggah-dhaaraa
they possess woolen broom & wooden  vessels
Panch Mahavva-dhaaraa
observers of five great vows (mahavrat)
Aththaa-ras sahassa silag Rath-dhaaraa
observers of celibacy in eighteen thousand modes
Ak-khay Achaar-charinťťaa 
They have permanently perfect conduct and character
ťe Savve
to all of them
with my forehead
by pure mind
Matheń van-ďaami
I salute with bown head

Iťi Aťi-char aa-lovya, padi-kkamyaa, nin-ďyaan, ni-shalya thayaa, vi-shese, vi-shese Ari-hanť, Siďdha, Kevaĺi, gań-dharji Aacharya-ji, Upaa-dhyay-ji, Saadhu, Saadhvi, Gur-vaa-ďik ne Bhujo Bhujo kari khamaa-vun chhun.

Having narrated the blemishes, having attoned and ciritcised them, becoming free of the thorns, over and above that, I now repeatedly beg pardon of Arihant, Siddhas, Kevalis, Apostles, Preceptors, teachers, saints and Gurus.

My salutations be to Twenty-four Tirthankars.
I worship all Tirthankars from Rushabdev to Mahavir Swami. Such Tirthankars who are devoid of worldly possessions and attachment. Their scriptues are true, highest and professed by Omniscient Lords. Their scriptures are perfect, rational, flawless , they uproot the three thorns.
Their path, is the path of highest accomplishment, liberation, is the way to end all Karmas, is the way to Nirvan, is the eternal truth, devoid of inconsistencies and doubts, is the way to end all miseries.
Those treading this path get highest accomplishment, become omniscient, get liberated from all Karmas, attain salvation and end all miseries.
That religion, I trust, believe, take interest in, accept, practice and practice all the more. I have become industrious in following such religion and I stop from violating it.
I embrace restraint and abandon non-restraint, I embrace celibacy and abandon unchastity. I embrace the acceptable and abandon the unacceptable. I embrace knowledge and abandon ignorance. I embrace the practice of religious activities and abandon its non-practice. I embrace true faith and abandon false faith. I embrace the path of salvation and abandon the path which is contrary to Jainism.
I beg pardon for those faults which I recollect, those which I do not recollect, those which I have atoned, those which I have not atoned, during the day.
I am a Saint, an ascetic, detached from the world. By taking vow, I have destroyed Sins and Karmas, I have abandoned desire for rewards, I possess right faith and I have abandoned malicious falsehood.
I salute with pure mind and bown head to all the saints, who dwell in Adhi Dweep and fifteen Karmabhoomi, who possess woolen broom and wooden vessels, who are observers of five Mahavrata, who observe the vow of celibacy in Eighteen thousand modes, who have permanently perfect conduct and character.
Having narrated the blemishes, having attoned and criticized them, becoming free of the thorns, over and above that I now repeatedly beg pardon of Arihant, Siddhas, Kevalis, Apostles, Preceptors, Teachers, Saints and Gurus.
