Lesson 19
Eighteen Sinful Acts

1. Praańaa-ťi-paať

violence towards lives

2. Bhrushaa-vaaď

to lie

3. Aďaťťaa-ďan

to steal (to take without permission)

4. Maithun


5. Pari-grah

worldly attachment

6. Krodh


7. Maan


8. Maayaa


9. Lobh


10. Raag


11. ďvesh

Hatred or spite

12. Kalah


13. Abhyaa-khyaan

falsely allege or acuse

14. Pai-shunya


15. Par Pari-vaaď

criticize or back-biting

16. Rai Arai

be happy in sinful acts and unhappy in religious acts

17. Maayaa Moso

to lie maliciously

18. Mich-chhaa-ďansań-sallam

to trust false God, false Guru and false religion

ťassa Michchhaami ďukkadam

may my such sins be dissolved

These eighteen sinful acts, if I have committed or got them committed or consented with those committing them, then in the presence of Infinite Siddhas, and Kevali, I ask for pardon.
The Eighteen sinful acts are as follows :
Violence towards lives, to speak lies, to steal, unchastity, worldly attachment, anger, pride, cunning, greed, attachment, hatred, quarrel, allegation, gossip, criticism, being happy in sinful acts and unhappy in religious acts, to lie maliciously, to trust false God, false Guru and false religion.
May my such sins be dissolved.
These, above eighteen sinful acts, if I have committed or got them committed or consented with those committing them, then in the presence of Infinite Siddhas and Kevali, I ask for pardon.

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