Lesson 14 |
Navmu Saamaayik vrať |
Ninth vow, is the vow to remain in equipoise, i.e. Samayik vrata |
Saavaj-jog-nu Ver-mańam |
I refrain from sinful acts |
Jaav-niyam pajju-vaa-saami |
I remain in that composed way, upto the limits and boundaries which are set |
ďu-viham |
by two acts
ťivi-heńam |
by three means
Na karemi na kaar-vemi |
I shall not do
Mańsaa |
by mind
Vaysaa |
by word
Kaaysaa |
by body
evi maari ťamaari saď-hańaa prarup-ńaa-e kari saamaa-yik no avasar aave ane saamaayik kari-e tyaare sparsh-naa e kari, shuďdh hojo. |
Consequential to yours and mine faith, when the circumstances arise for doing samayik, may the samayik be flawlessly accomplished |
Evaa nav-maa saamaa-yik Vraťnaa |
Of such ninth samayik vow
Panch Aiyaaraa |
there are five blemishes
Jańi-yavvaa |
worth kbowing
Na Samay-ri-yavvaa |
but not worth doing
ťam jahaa |
as they are
ťe Aaloun |
I say
Mań-ďuppańi-haańe |
in smayik, have employed mind in a foul way |
Vay ďuppańi-haańe |
in samayik, have used foul language |
Kay ďuppańi-haańe |
in samayik have done foul acts |
Saamaa-issa-sai-karań-yaa-e |
have done samayik negligently and carelessly |
Saamaa-iss Ańa-vattiyas Karań-yaae |
have terminated samayik before its actual completion |
ťassa Mich-chhami ďukkadam |
may my such sins be dissolved |
Ninth vow, is the vow to remain in Equipoise, i.e.Samayik Vrata. |