Lesson 24
Bijun Shraman Sootra

I revert from sins (of the past)
while going to fetch food, like a cow (to fetch food in little quantities from various houses, so as not to burden anybody. Compared to a cow, who grazes grass superficially)              (blemishes are as follows)
while going to fetch food, in such mode of begging or acceptance (blemishes aer as follows)
Ughaad Kavaad Ughaad-ńaa-e
open the door without permission or opening the partially open door.
Saańaa Vachhaa ďaaraa Sangha-ttańaa-e
brushing past or over-crossing dogs, calves or children
Mandi Paahu-diaa-e

partaking something reserved for someone else

Bali Paahu-diaa-e
accept food which is reserved for sacrificial purposes.
Thavńaa Paahu-diaa-e
taking that which is reserved for the needy, poor, beggars
taking something of doubtful nature (whether acceptable or unacceptable)
taking hurriedly
taking unacceptable food
taking unacceptable water
Paań Bhoyańaa-e
taking food, which harbours life
Biy Bhoyańaa-e
taking food, with seeds
Hariy Bhoyańaa-e
taking green vegetables
Pach-chhaa Kammiyaa-e
accepting such food, after, giving which, the donor wahes his hands with animate water
accepting such food, before giving which, the donor washes his hands with animate water
take food which is kept out of sight
ďaga Sansathh-thhadaa-e
taking such food, which is given, having touched animate water
Ray Sansathh-thhadaa-e
taking such food, which is given, having touched animate Dust
taking food, which entails spillage
take food which is worth discarding
having asked for something repeatedly
Jam Ugga-meńam
such blemishes incurred by a giver
blemishes by ones own self (saint himself)
impure food
if fetched
consumed or used
Vaa Jam
something which is worth discarding
Na Parithh-thha-viyam
is not discarded
ťassa Michchhaami ďukkadam
may my such sins be dissolved

I revert from sins committed while going to fetch food, like a cow who grazes grass superficially; while going to fetch food in the mode of begging, blemishes are as follows :
Opening the door without permission or opening the partially open door.
Brushing past or over-crossing dogs, claves or children
Partaking something reserved for someone else,
Accept food which is reserved for sacrificial purposes
Taking that which is reserved for needy poor beggars,
Taking something of doubtful nature (whether acceptable or not)
Taking hurriedly.
Taking unacceptable food,
Taking unacceptable water,
Taking food which harbours life,
Taking food with seeds
Taking green vegetables
Accepting such food, which after giving, the donor washes his hands with animate water
Accepting such food, which before giving, the donor washes his hands with animate water
Taking food, which is kept out of sight,
Taking such food, which is given, having touched animate water.
Taking such food, which is given, having touched animate dust.
Taking food, which entails spillage, taking food, which is worth discarding,
Having asked for something repeatedly.
From such blemishes incurred by one’s ownself, while fetching, consuming or using food which is worth discarding and has not been discarded, may I be pardoned and may my such sins be dissolved.
